I want to write something for you.
I feel a responsibility to those who have paid for subscriptions. And I have a desire to increase the number of subscriptions. The only way to accomplish both of those things is to write essays regularly.
But, I don’t really have anything to say right now.
I have topics I can write on, of course. I’ve thought through a few:
Compare and contrast the new “near-naked” dress code of late with risqué dressing from the past. One seems cheap and desperate, the other was exciting.
Life is all about Nature, really. Nature rules life on Earth, and we are part of Nature. If you are confused about life, look outside at how the cycles operate. The same will occur in your life.
As far as awards in the Film Business, there is a Venn diagram of quality and campaign effort. The two circle overlap each other just barely in the middle, giving some very good films that happened to have a well-funded campaign award results. Most of the time, though, it’s just the films that have had millions and millions of dollars spent on a campaign that win the awards. People have no idea the amount of money that is spent on these campaigns. So they’re really just marketing awards, and don’t really mean that much. Unless you’re in the center of that diagram.
We’ve grown accustomed to watching videos of people saving animals and then having those animals come back and thank them, or some random stranger doing something kind for some one else, to someone doing a jump scare on a family member, etc. But, we don’t stop and wonder how these incidences just happened to be recorded. Are these all staged? Or are these people recording every moment in their lives, hoping for a gem they can post online? It’s a very bizarre practice to record your life like that.
The trouble is, I’m just not feeling it. I have a bunch of things happening in my life right now that I’m just enjoying. They are things that I have waited a long time for, so of course I am just being in them. I don’t feel like taking time off from those experiences to muse on one of the above topics right now. I don’t feel passionately enough about any one of them to compose an entire essay. For me creatively, anything I force is just going to be an unsatisfying pile of junk, so I don’t do it.
At the same time, I don’t want to share any of the things that are happening for me, because they’re either private or not ready to be announced yet.
So, this is my I’d-love-to-write-you-an-essay-but-I-just-don’t-have-one-right-now essay, because I don’t really have anything to say right now.
What’s going on in your life? Where are you at this moment in your life?
Tell us in the comments.
Sad over a nice man who is still grieving his wife and isn’t ready to love again just yet. Trying to write also. Food prep for the week. Listening to a prayer app to lift my spirits. Thanks for the reminder about nature / cycles and how our lives reflect that. Can’t wait to hear your news :) xo
Right now? Music, I stumbled into this Very recently and now I'm just creating and creating. It feels good to feel ready to be brave and put myself out there. And on the other hand, damn it's a lot of work to get it distributed at all! But here I am plinking away at it and stumble through like only a new learner can.. and that is priceless stuff. Thanks for writing about having nothing to say! I have nothing to write either but I sure can make sounds.