The Woke Mob Mentality Momentum has ended, cut off by the 2024 US Presidential election results. This momentum had destroyed many people’s careers, their personal lives, and their privacy, all due to the perceived sin of holding an opinion that differed from the “woke tenets.” But, how did that momentum start to begin with? And how was the consequent emotional terrorism so successful?
Emotion, Power, and Fear.
In 2017, when knowledge of the #MeToo hashtag became widespread, social media had already been with us for a decade. During that decade, the dormant human fear of being ignored, forgotten, and discarded had been awakened. It had never been easier to try to get attention, and it had never been easier to see if you were not getting attention. Your social media “stats” of likes, reposts, and follower counts were on display for all to see. For many people, this created an emotional crisis. Determined to remedy this, many tried to “join in on the conversation” by scanning the “trending hashtags” on the social media platforms, and posting comments and photos that involved one of those hashtags.