This one brought up a few icky feelings I was hoping not to feel again, but it probably serves us well not to forget. The part about the "agreements" we have with each makes me think about how easy it is to acclimate one group to the idea that the other group is somehow less worthy. It seems like it only took them minutes to create a underclass of unvaccinated people. I guess I had hoped it would have been a little harder than it was.
First I am a new subscriber. I follow your critiques on Twitter and you have elevated that platform with your postings and wanted to pay you.
Your views during the SAG strike were interesting for someone who is not in the entertainment business, though I am from the software engineering and technology world.
One point on your posting. Society has moved from angry mob mentality to passive aggressive mob mentality. If you can deal with dirty looks and some angry comments you have beaten the mob.
The name Justine Bateman re-entered the zeitgeist recently re
ferencing calling out BS and I thought "Adam Carolla has got to get her on his show". Boom. Happened very quickly. You represent us GenXers in that very libertarian way. You be you, let's respect individual rights and respect people for their differences. At the same time let's not tread on those who think differently. In fact, let's connect with them because they are probably more interesting and I can always stand to learn something. Supporting this mindset is why I subscribed to your substack. Looking forward to reading more.
Just subscribed after following you on X. This brings back bad memories. My son has Asthma which makes him cough, especially in cold weather and the masks didn't help. While standing in line outside a Trader Joe's in California during the lockdowns, he coughed. More than once. We were asked to leave the line and not allowed to buy food. All it takes is pushing the right fear button and society will collapse.
That summer I fought relentlessly w the grocery store tyrants. I’m lucky I didn’t get arrested. We were in rural norcal. There was a safeway in ft bragg I could get into without a mask. Me and a friend were the only maskless people in the store. A guy started berating us, crazy ugly shit - “you’re gonna kill people!” - “you should be shot in the face!” - I tried engaging him at first but when he said I should be shot he yelled it and the store security actually came over and removed HIM from the store, not me. It was great. The real threat was revealed in that moment. Nobody else took their masks off but I was able to complete my purchase in peace.
Societal norms. Critical to the functioning of a working society. Everyone stands in line, etc. When they break down, it looks like Iraq during the war. Law and order and the courage and actions of the whole society can fix it, but the government cannot. Our attempts to legislate morality, inadvertently replaces the individual people's expectations and actions with the government's, removing the public's responsibility, to the detriment of the maintenance of those norms.
This scenario you describe, taking something out of the air and juxtaposing it with a ‘general’ ignorance regarding media deconstruction, was and shall remain, a perpetual challenge due to the proportion of innovations that reorganize the etherealization process of hardware becoming software. All hardware becomes software in the electric environment, it’s the only natural thing about either, a characteristic of the process is a loss of tactility. Verbal hijinx are lost when say the Acoustic Space and Visual Space teleport spots using the method of colliding black holes except it’s asymptotically via teleportation, McLuhan’s tetrad approach in LoM 8 8 1988
in other words they never fully collide, tho they do switch spots.
This one brought up a few icky feelings I was hoping not to feel again, but it probably serves us well not to forget. The part about the "agreements" we have with each makes me think about how easy it is to acclimate one group to the idea that the other group is somehow less worthy. It seems like it only took them minutes to create a underclass of unvaccinated people. I guess I had hoped it would have been a little harder than it was.
First I am a new subscriber. I follow your critiques on Twitter and you have elevated that platform with your postings and wanted to pay you.
Your views during the SAG strike were interesting for someone who is not in the entertainment business, though I am from the software engineering and technology world.
One point on your posting. Society has moved from angry mob mentality to passive aggressive mob mentality. If you can deal with dirty looks and some angry comments you have beaten the mob.
" If you can deal with dirty looks and some angry comments you have beaten the mob. "
The name Justine Bateman re-entered the zeitgeist recently re
ferencing calling out BS and I thought "Adam Carolla has got to get her on his show". Boom. Happened very quickly. You represent us GenXers in that very libertarian way. You be you, let's respect individual rights and respect people for their differences. At the same time let's not tread on those who think differently. In fact, let's connect with them because they are probably more interesting and I can always stand to learn something. Supporting this mindset is why I subscribed to your substack. Looking forward to reading more.
Just subscribed after following you on X. This brings back bad memories. My son has Asthma which makes him cough, especially in cold weather and the masks didn't help. While standing in line outside a Trader Joe's in California during the lockdowns, he coughed. More than once. We were asked to leave the line and not allowed to buy food. All it takes is pushing the right fear button and society will collapse.
We left California.
That summer I fought relentlessly w the grocery store tyrants. I’m lucky I didn’t get arrested. We were in rural norcal. There was a safeway in ft bragg I could get into without a mask. Me and a friend were the only maskless people in the store. A guy started berating us, crazy ugly shit - “you’re gonna kill people!” - “you should be shot in the face!” - I tried engaging him at first but when he said I should be shot he yelled it and the store security actually came over and removed HIM from the store, not me. It was great. The real threat was revealed in that moment. Nobody else took their masks off but I was able to complete my purchase in peace.
I feel like I went to sleep and woke up over 30 years later, to find that Mallory became Alex.
Societal norms. Critical to the functioning of a working society. Everyone stands in line, etc. When they break down, it looks like Iraq during the war. Law and order and the courage and actions of the whole society can fix it, but the government cannot. Our attempts to legislate morality, inadvertently replaces the individual people's expectations and actions with the government's, removing the public's responsibility, to the detriment of the maintenance of those norms.
Thank you for your courage, Justine.
This scenario you describe, taking something out of the air and juxtaposing it with a ‘general’ ignorance regarding media deconstruction, was and shall remain, a perpetual challenge due to the proportion of innovations that reorganize the etherealization process of hardware becoming software. All hardware becomes software in the electric environment, it’s the only natural thing about either, a characteristic of the process is a loss of tactility. Verbal hijinx are lost when say the Acoustic Space and Visual Space teleport spots using the method of colliding black holes except it’s asymptotically via teleportation, McLuhan’s tetrad approach in LoM 8 8 1988
in other words they never fully collide, tho they do switch spots.
Great post